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Full Version: Tactics Ogre: Let us Cling Together PSP
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So Goshi's favorite all time SRPG is finally getting the remake treatment.






And from some mouthpiece (duckroll) from neogaf

Quote:Here are a few points from the FF Reunion summary:

- Even though it may look like the game's visuals haven't changed much, they have been improved over the original. They're trying to keep the Super Famicom-like look of the game.

- They'd actually be proud if people would say that it's the same as the original.

- You can change the angle to view the action from above.

- The height-based play and other basic elements of the original remain in tact.

- They're adding a number of new elements for the game parts and battle parts. The battles will be greatly changed.

- The game will have a variety of new skill-based gameplay features.

- There will be new classes.

- The battle maps character count has increased from the 10 vs 10 of the original to 12 on your side vs 18 on the enemy side, for a total of 30 characters on screen.

- This is not a "Tactics Ogre Perfect Version," but a "rebuilding" of Tactics Ogre. It doesn't fit within the framework of a "remake."

- You won't be able to use your strategies from the original for the sequel.
I can only imagine what I see as the "typical" gamer of today will see of this.
I've checked in siliconera that SE confirmed that they will retain the title in US release as Tactics Ogre: Let us Cling Together

and yeah i hope it do have a feel like FFtactics and still retaining the touch from the original game

I bet Matsuno is probably pleased with the English title since it keeps the Queen reference >_>

Quote:I can only imagine what I see as the "typical" gamer of today will see of this.

So far, only fans of the series and the original PS1 version of FFT are interested (Which have likely already played the original). Haven't heard any interest from the usual SE fanboys. I was hoping this thread would stir up some responses (Even DoujinStyle is getting nowhere) >_>

In all seriousness though, the game is CLEARLY aimed at those three groups anyway, so yeah... =/

Though those who played KoL generally don't seem like LuCT very much. Likely because Archers keep killing their units. This is the problem with today's games, always want their games to be easy *grumble* *grumble*

I'll admit those archers are nasty! I've ragequit many a time because they keep slaughtering my ninjas!
Hey bros, its a trailer!

Source: YouTube
Source: YouTube

Its English dubbed, you'll be able to understand it >_>
Heh, quadruple post.
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]Heh, quadruple post.

Pages: 1 2
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