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Full Version: need help with ipod touch 2G
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alrighty, outta all the ipod touches and iphones I've ever jailbroken, this one is the first to screw up, and to top em all, it's my own one >_>

right now, it stucks at the recovery menu, DFU is accessible.
Current FW is 313.
when i try to restore it to 313, iTunes give me 3194 error
______________________312, ____________ 28 error.
same thing happen when you recover it in Recovery menu, as well as DFU

if you are curious of what I've done to it before , then i tried Blackra1n on it, then spirit, then redsnow
Blackrain and redsnow gives me a black screen after the program says it's done.
Can't run spirit due to various DLL and errors.

so i saw Woobie said he downgraded it to 312 and jailbroken it, so i tried and that's how i got it to the current state.

what can i do now? =/ anyone have any idea?
i just ran spirit on a 2g ipod 3.1.3 3 days ago
with no problems

try using iREB

it didnt work for me but you might have luck with it
:O your post gave me the idea of trying blackrain and others on it, now i got outta the Recovery Mode Loop! yay!

still can't run Spirit though

hmmm snowbreeze says something about 4.0 ispw, black rain still gives the same error with some dll files.
=/ also my iTunes is the latest one.

oh, and it's a MC model.
use an older version of snowbreez
and click on the "fast mirrors" link it gives you not the regular one.

you want snowbreeze ver 3.1.5
and the ipod i did the other day was a MC model as well

im not sure what version of spirit i have but that worked like a charm.
Spirit gives me dll missing error
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]Spirit gives me dll missing error

Google the dll ad put it in the same folder as spirit.
couldn't, that thing was because my itunes is 9.2 so i borrowed another laptop and put 9.0 on it, Spirit worked ._.
anyway, what's some good app to get?
also i can't find Plant vs. Zombie on the default sources, anyone have any good Source?
i was going to make a thread about this a while ago but don't have a  ipod atm so yeah..

add hackulous

then install installous if you havent already..
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