Endless Paradigm

Full Version: If EP would hold the World Cup, this would be the ball
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Pages: 1 2 3
The Addidas Zingulani!

[Image: zingbulani.png]
Just talked with Proper about Ja'bulani and Jo'bulani and I thought Zingbulani Hihi
* lembas plays the vuvuzela.
That's awesome :D
Is it possible to manufacture them?...I'll take it!!! :D
the first ball is 1.000.000€
Ekusoshisuto Wrote: [ -> ]I'll take it!!! :D
Kay, I will pass you my bank details!
SkyDX Wrote: [ -> ]The Addidas Zingulani!

[Image: zingbulani.png]

And the special edition version for our more risque members:

The Adidas Lolibulani!

[Image: lolibulani.png]
I might pwn the majority of you guys in soccer
300nukez Wrote: [ -> ]I might pwn the majority of you guys in soccer

I've never played soccer

whatever that is
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