Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2
I think im scared of white people
I was at a store with my mom and 20 of them started shopping around us
and i started to feel...
sweaty and horrified...
like if they were gona eat me...
but im not sure why i felt that way :/

or maybe I felt claustrophobic
what do you guys think?

I never felt this way before.
* Joom eats 300nukez.
It's claustrophobia
somehow this will boil down to Japanese girls again
*wishes it could :)
no i got a clear warning from the admins to lay off the girls for a while
Sounds like claustrophobia yes. See someone about it if it gets worse. Phobias can usually be treated.
I lol'd.

nom nom nom.

Me are scerry white person.

Pages: 1 2
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