yay your old ava was greater , all this chiks in pantys thingys , i don't get it.
gsmoke Wrote: [ -> ]yay your old ava was greater , all this chiks in pantys thingys , i don't get it.
everyone has a different cup of tea.
I thought helldx was going to be one of those HELL YEAH 8 PACK MUSCLY MOTHER FUCKERS; turns out it/he/she was different :P
hi, stay away from skyy-kun kthxbai! <3
It's very nice.
* xero1 likes
You sure like that font effect Sky... :)
Gsmoke, where do you see panties?

and hi Lunar and well I always use the effect that I see fitting^^
i thought all chicks save for Paris Hilton wear panties
unless gsmoke likes Paris Hilton
Don't forget Brittany Spears, lol.