ahh nice. soon as i get some cash, im gonna get myself one of the rare famitsu gbp's and a blue backlight. hopefully gonna do alot more to it though, and i will get a dmg too, cause all the sound modding like the 1.8" jack is near impossible for a gbp.
Finished backlighting it (well it works atleast). It needs tidying up and sorting, but ill post screenies when ive tidied. Waiting for my bleepbloop now:)
edit: double posted. sorry:(
sweeet. And you ordered the bleepbloop from Nonfinite, right? Hopefully, lol. Cause if you ordered it from the guy who makes the, don't expect to get it for a while, if ever.
And I wouldn't recommend pro-sounding a pocket, it pretty much makes it sound worse. :p
yea got it from nonfinite. Also got a biversion chip incoming from them. I wonder what pokemon looks like biverted. lsdj looks way better biverted!
Pro sound seems fine to me. theres little difference, but its no worse. (i have 2 pockets to compare)
The lcd cables are really annoying me at the moment. Theres a tiiny bit of glue from the silver layer left on the polarised layer, and i just can't get at it to remove it, cause i don't want to risk damaging the cables (ive destroyed 1 screen doing just that). Still it all works good.