So yeah, I want to try making my own PSP theme! Is there any good tutorial/help whatever for starters? Also I assume there doesn't happen to be a existing WYSIWYG Editor or GUI for making themes?
Thanks for help in advance!^^
Well, first i would go to the Power Tools Customizing thread ere at EP, and grab some tools, and decrypted .rco and .prx files for your firmware.
Then I would start simple. Maybe try customizing the icons first. (They are in topmenu_icon.rco)
Get comfortable with some of this stuff, then try making your first true theme ;)
I might try and make a theme....

well I think first download the Patpats ctf tool and unpack a few of the good themes you like then get Rco edit and open the rco's and learn how to change picture's and how to fit them in the PSP resource limit and when you get a hand of this get Rco mage and dump a few rco's, see how they made the animation to get some ideas about the animations. there's a hell lot to learn and do before your could make a theme and it takes hours and hours. though I really want to see some new theme's for the PSP I advise you if you have some thing better to do don't start making theme's because its really addictive and takes a lot of your time though it is really fun!
depends whot you want to see in a theme,.
basicly there is 2+1 different theme's>> scrolling icons, dock icon and now animated with dock or icons >> eg aqua panic made by frankzito
best to start making a theme trying to edit>> icons/main icons, battery, volumebar, opening logo/sound and busy icon.
edit: with rcomage there is almost endless posibility's,.

with my new v1a theme i have lost track and keep changing stuff over and over,. sigh,. i have so many other ideees since i started making the new v1a,. haha maybe good to make a design beforehand,. ;p
Unfortunately, tools available aren't probably as easy as those for other theme-making environments. Eg no easy WYSIWYG tool, and you'll probably have to juggle a few. So what people have made is really amazing, considering the tools used, but also means that more complex modifications can take time and effort.
But yeah, start simple as said above.
well basically i would just play around with images and that but don't mess with the PRX's.
Halfway while i was making simplicity, i discovered PRX's. Try to start off simple and then, go with the flow. I started by taking out the main icons of robs1968's large original icons -revived-, then using joomla's theme with some modifications and made a new bar for it, switched to simple design with a heck load of mods, and before you know it, you can release it. but as windows advances and tools start to disappear to history, you need to use whatever you have to make a goot theme. I have windows 7 and i managed to do Simplicity, so start simple,
Thanks for all that advices!^^ I got a "team member" so maybe wee can do something together, who knows :P