Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Internet Archive Wayback Machine
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Was having a little fun with this site. First thing I searched:


Then checked cnn.com, and a few others. There are gaps of time where it wasn't updated, but I still entertained myself for like 10 minutes

Pretty cool ^^
that is way cool. look at google way back in the day, tis lol

and ep is awesome looking over the first know archive of it.
awesome. checks youtube.
This is awesome,

* eKusoshisut0 browses through the old archives of EP
haha look at the first page of myspace
lol just lol
Knew about that for about 3 years.

But I'm pissed it doesn't have Chihiro's Encoding Guide v0.3+.  It's like the worst encoding guide ever made, and I completely regret not saving a copy of it.
I swear there was a thread on this before.
Anyway, before EP was even called EP: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www....urga.co.nr
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]Knew about that for about 3 years.

I don't doubt it!  I am pretty sure many on EP know more about the internet than I'll find in the next 5 years. My days on the net were slow and game-filled until I built this computer. I consider it my rebirth ;)
Isn't the Wayback machine in like the first page of websites to know on the Internet?


* S7* goes time travelling
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