Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Well... Damn
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Thanks, Steam hasn't responded yet again but I guess I have to wait for night again^^
don't worry mate. you arnt the only one to have steam accounts hacked.
Mine was too. Steam were very nice about returning my account (i have a copy of The Last Remnant on disc instead of mw2, but i have done the same thing as you). If all goes well you should get your account back in a few days.

HOWEVER, assuming it has been hacked, you may find you've received a VAC ban. I had, and steam wouldn't remove it, even though it clearly hadn't been me, because i couldnt prove i had never cheated. So i have a new account now. CSS, killing floor, gta4. Anyways you may be lucky mate and not had your account hacked by a cheater..

Add me anyone who uses it: 1nf1n1ty484  (by the way my name there is WC|C|Tenshi[ZfH])
Got my account back in less then 24h, that's what I call awesome support!^^ It was a total mess but I have it under control now again :P
Didn't wee had a EP Steam list?
Good to hear!

Wee need to get some more game nights on the go, those were fun
Just a shame sensei always messaged me in the middle of College work, or right befiore work XD
I needz friends again my account was full of serbian friends... >_>
You're looking for the Multiplayer Meet section and it's "Steam Players on EP!" thread.


roberth Wrote: [ -> ]Wee need to get some more game nights on the go, those were fun
Just a shame sensei always messaged me in the middle of College work, or right befiore work XD

uguu~ I was not amused :<

I'd love to have a game night over the weekend though ^-^ (1~AM GMT+1 start for me if wee don't have an Afternoon game.)
Added everyone there who's names still were valid^^
Can do that Tomorrow, but not tonight

Surprise Surprise...i have work 7AM so don't plan to be up late :(. But i finish at 10, so i can do Sat after work

The big question is....what's the game??
roberth Wrote: [ -> ]Can do that Tomorrow, but not tonight

Surprise Surprise...i have work 7AM so don't plan to be up late :(. But i finish at 10, so i can do Sat after work

The big question is....what's the game??

I've got CounterStrike: Source and Day of Defeat: Source so I'm fine for either. (If the laptop doesn't catch on fire/explode)
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