Endless Paradigm

Full Version: AquaPanic! Dynamic CTF Theme
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[Image: qdzo3v8m16.jpg]
Hi guys i finished my second ctf theme hope you like it i had a hard fight with resources beatup
you can watch the video and see the theme in action
the theme is available for 550 & 500

note: right now there is no custom osk for 550 users i had some problems converting it but I'll try to fix it and if you have a fat psp (like i do) some icons maybe dissapear I'll try to fix it too but on slim it should work fine let me know if something does not work properlyHero

ps: theme has custom clicksounds but i used music in the video instead of the clicksounds Wis

special thanks to mr.shizzy
for the 500 version with subfolders Madwin

and another special thanks goes to playjun for the working osk in 550 Madwin

all icons for 550 should now be visible

[attachment=4306] *fix when accessing the system settings-»nickname...hang  thanks playjun^^

Brilliant! Absolutely Marvelous!
Wow, awesome theme!! 2thumbs
Yay excellent thanks
Adore aquapanic!!

Inluv whot you did with the gameboot ;)

EDIT: if you have resource trouble try and add some/alot of dummy image entry's to system_plugin_fg.rco, only image's not the objects,. the xmb seems to look how many images are used in this rco,. then gives more resource accordingly,.
(noticed some icons missing,.Skyp, usb connection and information board)
Also its very easy to make multiple memorystick and UMD icons,. (so that they match the section color) redirecting to different icons in vshmain,. ;mebbe in new update

Madwin theme!
OMFG THIS ROCKS!! Keep it up man.... V1 i think you have a competitor Drink
Awesome theme :D
Another great theme ,the best of you again

Thanks frankzito You're a genius :)

locationfree player icon and playstationspot icon do not appear

that's a magnificent theme!
Looks awesome watching through YouTube on my iPhone :P. Maybe tomorrow I'll bring my psp go work and give it a spin :)
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