MMMkay. so I have a psp 1000 with 5.50 GEN D3 right? heres my problems:
heres my apps and plugins that I have
Dayviewer VSH - enabled
joysens VSH and GAME- disabled
irsautoboot VSH - disabled
cxmb VSH - enabled
audioboost VSH and GAME- enabled
vshmenu VSH - enabled - When I have enabled I can't use vsh it just goes straight to recovery.. ?
game catagories VSH - enabled
psnfudgeer VSH and GAME- enabled
Tweak display VSH and GAME- enabled - freezes on occasion
cwcheat GAME - enabled
cwcheat POPS - disabled
Slanty shanty theme - when turned off while internet is open. will freeze when turned back on
I have these apps that won't work.
XMB destroyer - unless I choose a certain setting from the game categories it shows as corrupted, otherwise it works.
Gif player - shows as corrupted now, before I was getting cannot start messages. tryed using the e loader but I might be doing something wrong.
and my irshell decided to not work today.. anyone know where I can download the most up to date version?
Thanks for the help and any other apps you suggest Id put them on my psp cause I love apps lol
Gif player is for the 1.50 kernal, and Gen dosnt support that. So unless you go to m33 its not going to work
IR shell on GEN requires the 5.50 patch. If its stopped working your have fudgeed something up and need to reinstall the whole thing and re-apply the patch.
For the ultimate vsh menu for the xmb press left trigger + Right trigger and square to change it from opening the vsh menu or opening recovery.
also psnfudgeer is old, get psnlover 1.1 you can get it here:
i have no idea what XMB destroyer is, so can't help you there. Also i don't know what tweak display is so can't help there either.
EDIT: hmmm kay, looked up xmb destroyer and Tweak Display, occasional crashing for tweak display can probably be blamed on the cpu hitting its max and crashing or just cfw in general, GEN-D3 isn't that stable. i remember xmb destroyer but i have no idea why game categories could be effecting how its displayed as corrupt or not.
Grey Ghost Wrote: [ -> ]noooooooooooooooooob
Gif player is for the 1.50 kernal, and Gen dosnt support that. So unless you go to m33 its not going to work
IR shell on GEN requires the 5.50 patch. If its stopped working your have fudgeed something up and need to reinstall the whole thing and re-apply the patch.
For the ultimate vsh menu for the xmb press left trigger + Right trigger and square to change it from opening the vsh menu or opening recovery.
also psnfudgeer is old, get psnlover 1.1 you can get it here:
i have no idea what XMB destroyer is, so can't help you there. Also i don't know what tweak display is so can't help there either.
EDIT: hmmm kay, looked up xmb destroyer and Tweak Display, occasional crashing for tweak display can probably be blamed on the cpu hitting its max and crashing or just cfw in general, GEN-D3 isn't that stable. i remember xmb destroyer but i have no idea why game categories could be effecting how its displayed as corrupt or not.
mkay im not THAT much of a I really want a gif player though.. arrg.
umm I know I need to re install irshell.. but I also wonder if I can get a program that I can hook my psp up to my tv.. I heard irshell will do that.. that's why it won't work lol accident. anyway
Thanks for the vsh menu thing.
what's the dif between psnfudgeer and psnlover?
and as for the rest..yeah probly.. and idk.. gamecategories is weird but it makes it work I guess..
any other apps?
psnlover is the new updated version of psnfudgeer
no you can't hook your psp up to a tv as that is a psp 2000 function. The 1000s don't have the hardware for it.
i have many many other apps, as much as 32GB can hold. im thinking about adding what i have to that app collection thread of flofruchts.
Grey Ghost Wrote: [ -> ]psnlover is the new updated version of psnfudgeer
no you can't hook your psp up to a tv as that is a psp 2000 function. The 1000s don't have the hardware for it.
i have many many other apps, as much as 32GB can hold. im thinking about adding what i have to that app collection thread of flofruchts.
alright I guess I can upgrade it
and damm.. really? that sucks.. anyway Ill fix that
and like what? im not just saying games I mean like the gifplayer and such.. by the way I REALLY WANT ONE.. think if some guys here got together they could update it to work?
by the way thanks for the help bro. :]