Endless Paradigm

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Fuck i just shoked my arm with my old computers power/fan thing it hurts soo bad
im lucky my sister unplugged it Knock-knock
i almost thought i was gona die
now i feel stupid cause there was a clear warning sticker on the back :/

[Image: troubleshoot-computer-power-supply-200X200.jpg]

I was trying to put in a new fan
[Image: antec_super_cyclone_blower.jpg]
but to do that
it required me to open the casing of the power box [BAD IDEA!] there was a huge spark coming off the computer! then it went into my left arm!

i threw it all away because by sister thought it would explode and the house would catch fire + she promised to snitch on me if i dident
my computer is some weird mexican Microsoft computer im kinda glad i finaly threw it away

Ahaa muahaha saved the 100gb hard drive....
its gona fudge and hump my new computer
Wait. Inst that a different type of fan?
yah it pushes heat out
but my computer was weird and it had all the cords i neded inside
300nukez Wrote: [ -> ]I was trying to put in a new fan
[Image: antec_super_cyclone_blower.jpg]
but to do that
it required me to open the casing of the power box [BAD IDEA!] there was a huge spark coming off the computer! then it went into my left arm!

no it doesn't!


it fits in the PCI slots of your computer motherboard

Oh my...
NOTHING on sale today requires you to open your PSU.

The charges stored in those capacitors CAN and WILL kill you. i repeat, KILL YOU.

And from the sounds of it, you had it plugged in while working on it. I'm just glad you walked away from it with your life.
lol @ proper :D
it was just an experiment
im just trying to get rid of all the smoke that came out of it.... >_>
300nukez Wrote: [ -> ]lol @ proper :D
it was just an expirement

im not joking, you know =_=

the last thing i want to see is one of your family members posting on here that you died working on your computer.
Be careful man^ Hahaha
my family does not care that much to know that i visit this site
but they would definately be sad
ill try to leave all this stuff to the experts...
ty proper i actually did not know i could die...
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