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Full Version: i love sucking men's pocky
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been smoking this spoon like weeds ever since yesterday. it's a bit more bitter than non men's pocky, but apparently not as fat as the other one..
om nom nom nom men's pocky.

that said, i went to Akiba for the 2nd time today, fully prepared.

Spoiler for journey:
first stop is gundam cafe,it's nothing more than an average cafe with gundam inside it, with gundam shaped lunch. :P
[Image: DSCF2248.jpg]
Spoiler for interior:
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[Image: DSCF2238.jpg]`

then walk around for a bit, i got myself BlazBlue continuum shift and Trinity universe, also a PSN card for Project DIVA dreamy Theater ( and holy spoon it has trophies)
[Image: DSCF2253.jpg]

moe maid
cat ears = headphone, i was tempted to get that cat set, since ummm... i want to wear em, any objection?
[Image: DSCF2251.jpg]

K-on was every freaken where,
then again, so was miku and Naruto (there's gonna be a concert or something like that in Akiba about Naruto)
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the few above is taken inside/outside of Sega Building, man, got to love sega, they got the Typing of the Dead Arcade machine there.
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Along the street:
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they've got vending machine everywhere.
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Im just gonna go out and say I havent a clue what your talking about.. lol
You suck men's pocky? i like to just bite and chew it down.
yeah i like suckingg the juice outta it, bit by bit :D
Anyway, you're in Tokyo right, when I been to Japan as a holiday I actually also have went to gamers and club sega.

Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]yeah i like suckingg the juice outta it, bit by bit :D

Lol, does anyone else strip off the coating by scratching it with their teeth?
i do that sometimes, but if you do that the remain is hard to eat so....
wonder when men's pocky will arrive here in UK..... well it's called mikado over here......

post 2000 milestone =)
oh, almost forgot about this, my invisible hat. (Durarara pun)
[Image: DSCF2279.jpg]
men's pocky is made with dark chocolate

that's why.

technically wee already have men's pocky because wee have Mikado Dark in the UK
Not really a fan of bitter stuff,

So I never bought them... just reg or strawberry... some of the other flavors I'm not to sure I'd want to eat em :/

I keep forgetting to try these... http://pocky.jp/products/crush/index.html
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