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I think I'm cursed when it comes to Apple, or more precisely OSX Dotdotdot

I have tried all 3 major operating systems, Windows 7 (and Vista before), Linux (Ubuntu) and OSX 10.5.x

Call me insane if you want but OSX is the most pleasing and beautiful OS for me to use yet I'm "denied" to use it even legally. Sure I will never get rid of Windows because I'm a PC gamer at core but for all that daily stuff like browsing, music and photoshopping etc. I would love to use OSX. Heck I even have original Leopard and Snow Leopard disks so I tried my luck with OSX86.

After half a year I managed to run OSX86 perfectly minus USB 2.0 which wasn't that much of an issues. But prolonged heat issues and only 512MB of VRAM eventually made me upgrade my ATI HD4850 to a ATI HD5770 making OSX86 not working in the process anymore. A Nvidia upgrade was simply not reasonable from a price/performance point of view.

So yeah I still have a laptop and that runs OSX perfectly, just my laptop is far more unconvinced to use then my desktop at home so I tried the next logical step, hooking my laptop up to my FullHD screen. Unfortunately, as perfect as OSX86 runs on my laptop it turned out the VGA Output is an utter mess and I found no way to resolve it.

Heck the last thing I did, was looking for genuine Apple Hardware but hell even the most cheapest Mac Mini with basically sucking specs I found on the net was around 700€ and I'm not yet completely retarded to shad out that much money just because I love the OS. For that money I could easily upgrade my PC to a Phenom II x6 and a ATI HD 58xx series card yet Apple only offers me a 1.4ghz dual core with Intergrated Graphics for it...

So yeah Apple I really want to become your customer when it comes to desktop PCs just you give me no reasonable chance to do so...

And posting this on EP will not change this I just felt like writing this^^

Don't get me wrong Windows 7 is an absolute masterpiece and beautiful to no end just there's something about OSX that makes my eyes just go "Ahh yes!" that I cannot replicate on Windows no matter what I mod^^'
Are you using 10.5 or 10.6 now?  10.6 is sooooo much better as hackintosh
10.5, I know 10.6 is even better but either way there are no ATI 5xxx drivers. As for my Laptop, it would be deadly risky to install 10.6 on it as it runs a ATI Radeon Mobility HD3650 and I needed 3 people on IRC to assist me to make it working with hardware acceleration. Plus what the people told me, I am/was the second guy in the entire known OSX86 community who had a working Mobility HD3650 with QE and CI and the native res and giving that up only because VGA out MIGHT work on 10.6 is a big gamble in my eyes.
hmm, you should have considered the OSX problem before you upgraded to another ATi card. If you liked it enough you would have gone Nvidia.

Also, it is the curse of Apple. One of the best reasons to hate them is for their extensive use of proprietary everything.
I was very much aware that the 5770 will break OSX when I bought it just ATI has a so much better price/performance/future proof factor than Nvidia and as I said, no matter how much I love OSX I will not make unreasonable decisions because of it^^
Exactly, so you shouldn't have reason to complain over a decision you made and don't regret.
I didn't really mean to complain I just wanted to point out that Apple makes it needlessly difficult for normal persons to use their stuff.
Their hardware is ridiculously overpriced for a normal person and the OS gives even experienced nerds a headache when installing it on normal PCs xD

Imho, Apple should make a OSX version for common PC hardware and simply offer no support for it and also deny any commercial usage, That way companies would be still forced to buy their overpriced hardware and normal persons could enjoy OSX, it's almost a Win-Win situation^^
They are keeping all the profits for themselves keeping it Mac-exclusive.

It's not like you had no options though, if you wanted OSX you could've... it would have cost you more yes but not as much as Mac hardware would.
Well limited choice at best. No DX11 Nvidia card works with OSX86 to date :P
SkyDX Wrote: [ -> ]Well limited choice at best. No DX11 Nvidia card works with OSX86 to date :P

Hahaha, rotten Apple. :P
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