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13 years ago i took a semester..or maybe even a full year..of introduction to c++. i was so uninterested in learning it that I only went to all 3 days of the first week of classes...after that it was only when i felt guilty for NOT showing up :-/  Well, i was bored and kinda interested now, so I found out that Stanford University has their C++ class available free on iTunes University.

Here is how bad at programming I am....
first: i couldn't figure out how to start a c++ project in xcode on mac.  
second: i can't even copy/paste a sample program and have it compile and run without errors :(


http://www.stanford.edu/class/cs106b/  there is the official web page of the class...

Originally i wanted to learn to program for the iphone for fun....but the iphone class from stanford said that the above class was a pre-req so I figured I would watch the 45-52 minute videos while driving and try to learn something...but FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK BALLS....its all bad memories from college with nothing working :(

sleep time bye

x = msgbox("lol",30,"lol")

Programming is not something to be learned by podcast. It helps to have such a resource to jog your memory, but programming is something which is learned by practice. If you don't do the work, you've got no hope, in all honesty. Programming is also about being picky; it favours the meticulous/OCD and punishes the sloppy.

If you have access to a windows computer, I suggest getting Visual Studio, and playing with that. It has an auto-prompt thing that lists possible functions, variables and methods as you type.
SchmilK Wrote: [ -> ]first: i couldn't figure out how to start a c++ project in xcode on mac.  
second: i can't even copy/paste a sample program and have it compile and run without errors :(
Same for me, at times, lol.  Setting up a dev environment isn't really programming, so yeah...  Some are just a bit confusing to get right at first.

Surprising that iPhone dev requires C++ at first, whereas Objective C's syntax is a bit different (I guess they intend to translate C++ ideas to ObjC) - in fact, ObjC looks rather odd to me.
i think the pre-req is to ensure that you have a fundemental base of programming.  I can't even hello world using the bullchocolate headers that stanford gives using cout :(  if i don't use their addition header files i can use std::cout and it works, but double you tee eff...why can't i replicate the exact same thing the damn professor is showing on screen :(
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