Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Boot Manager v0.2 for OE
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vodkkaa has updated Boot Manager v0.2, this application will allow PSP owners to launch various recovery modes for their PSPs (custom firmware 3.40 OE):

    * Menu to launch predefined homebrew
    * launch OE recovery
    * Launch IE recovery
    * Launch IE special recovery
    * flash vsh.prx
    * autoboot program

This latest version appears to have fixed several minor bugs detected since the application
does anyone tried this, im not to sure about this
and i don't want to risk to damage my recovery prx
almadawarrior you can try it out for us.
though about that
but why would i need 3 recoverys
only if it was an insurance, in case of the original recovery didn't work
the other one did, but still that way, it was an OE recovery and not an IE
IE it's too complicated for OE users
i tried becus25 CF
OE recovery is all you need.
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