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I am studding Muslim things and I need some help (?_?)

Why is it bad to have a picture of the profit mohamed?
Is he the equivalent of Jesus or a religious figure?
Quote:drawing the prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) can be for two purposes one is to insult him and the other is it admire him
but the both reasons are haram (forbidden) in Islam
firstly admiration reason:
most of Arabs before Islam and even non Arabs were used to be pagans who made idols for great people then started to worship them ,so drawing people and making statues was forbidden to avoid reverting to be pagans again
in Islam prophet Mohammad is no more than a great man so it is forbidden to worship him
What is the ruling on drawing in Islam?.

secondly the insulting reason:
as that prophet Mohammad is the dearest man for Muslims ,it is so hurtful for Muslims to see pictures about him are made to make fun on him
uncaring about feeling of 2 billions of Muslim people can`t be called free of speech but racism

the biggest part of the problem that those who draw pictures of the prophet didn't releaise that muslims never draw pictures of other`s abrahamic religions as it is haram and never they use that as a revinge ,i can`t understand why don`t non muslims learn to be the same tolerant? may be it is not a part of thier religions
1 month ago
i didn't read this, i just took it from yahoo answers
From my limited memory of GCSE Religious studies, Mohammed is indeed the Muslim version of Jesus. He was the founder of Islam. He is a prophet because he is beleived to be a messenger of the Islamic God, Allah.

As for opposition to pictures of Mohammed I don't know.
Muhammad was the creator of Islam.

Sunni Muslims believe he should never be shown to avoid idolising an image of him, which would mean it was about his image and not what he means to Islam.

Though other variations of Islam do allow pictures of Muhammad, the most well-known view is that he should never be displayed in any way.

Extremists generally take people ignoring this rule as desecration of the creator of their beliefs and their religion as a whole, and in rare cases give death threats to those who do display muhammad. though that is rarer than people think.
Something I read not too long ago says it's not allowed to draw or depict Muhammad in any way because they didn't want people to worship the image itself. Like in Christianity where people worship the cross and other religious symbols

or at least that's what I read >.>
thank you that was a very hard question (@_@)
[whining] it's all bullchocolate really (v_v`) [/whining]

Edit: Not the answers, lol, just the whole thing in general
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ][whining] it's all bullchocolate really (v_v`) [/whining]

Edit: Not the answers, lol, just the whole thing in general

(?''?) <<  the question mark curve look like little hands. <3
Basically, they love mohammed more than they love themselves and it is said that true muslims follow this principle; also it was also handed down as a principle that you cannot make any images of animals in general.

So basically it's like making fun of something that is VERY dear to them, like their dead mom or dad; it's just that some people have different values in life and if you cross line with some, well, it's understandable why they would be pissed.

 ugh my grammar is failing these days; first sentence sucked so bad. 
Tetris999 Wrote: [ -> ]So basically it's like making fun of something that is VERY dear to them, like their dead mom or dad; it's just that some people have different values in life and if you cross line with some, well, it's understandable why they would be pissed.

That just comes across even more ridiculous than the idea of the Pope. Belief in imagination - huh... pretty good way of getting into peoples heads.
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