Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Optical Drive Loading Mechanism [tray vs slot]
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ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]or trays are for nubcakes :3

what. NEVA.
PSPkiller Wrote: [ -> ]Difficult one actually. Tray loaders seem cheaper, and more versatile (as in they can take miniature 8cm discs) but slot loaders just have an awesome factor to them. I don't like the slot loaders on the current model Macbook Pros though. They sound cheap and delicate and load/eject the disc far too quickly.

Just has an image of someone pressing the eject button, only to have the drive fire the disk across their room and hit a dog of something HahahaHahaha
[Image: xboxhddvd_cupholder.jpg]

i like slut loaders personally...problem is there is no forced eject button like a tray has :-/
I'm slightly in favor of trays. I am always a bit more scared of slot loaders because it is moving the disc, instead of me. Not really that big a deal, but it scares me a little each time :o

SchmilK Wrote: [ -> ][Image: xboxhddvd_cupholder.jpg]

i like slut loaders personally...problem is there is no forced eject button like a tray has :-/

My mom has taught at least one person who thought their optical drive tray was a cup holder (had a cup of coffee in it). People make me cry sometimes...
SchmilK Wrote: [ -> ][Image: xboxhddvd_cupholder.jpg]

i like slut loaders personally...problem is there is no forced eject button like a tray has :-/

slut loaders? D:

i don't need a cool optical drive..

tray loader for me
I like slot it is easier to get the disc in with out trying to scratch it on the tray as well as you can't stuff the tray motor. I have had a broken slot drive (Bloody expensive to replace) and a tray drive which the tray gets stuck (Sometimes need restart to open it). so 1-1.
Slot loader for me thank you very much ^^'
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