Endless Paradigm

Full Version: psp instant messanger
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um try not to ask to manny questions on this one but.....

i need an instant messanger for the psp sorta...

one that works psp - psp and dosent have to conect to a server or something
ac-hod i think is the word

does something like this exist?

lets just say me and somone are going to be in 2 diffrent rooms useing psps. and need to send messages to eachother other than talking.

also, i hope i get one before tomarow.
lol yah home brew does exist but i forget name
lol found it

i tried this before
distance reach is like 50-60ft on slim
but only 15ft with walls blocking you
yay thanks ill get to work installinig it ^^
np dude
that's an old version though I know it has newer ones of the same homebrew but i haz lazy right now
AFKIM for psp is much better.  It will do msn, aim, icq, gtalk ect ect

yoyoballs speaks truth. AFKIM is great use that. I usei t to sign in to my gmail and hotmail accounts.
yeh you failed to notice he said Adhoc

like ds pictochat
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