Endless Paradigm

Full Version: The word "Sp@|\/|"
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How did it come into being?

Some hungry guy eating sPa/\/\, then receiving an unsolicited email, then "aha sPa/\/\!".

ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:How did it come into being?

Some hungry guy eating sPa/\/\, then receiving an unsolicited email, then "aha sPa/\/\!".


Mate U 8 2 much S..?

??? it is very odd, idk... maybe some guy kept getting special offers on sPa/\/\ from his neighboring supermarket and it just spread out or something...
O_o, that's a nice way to get your company known :)

Just keep giving discount offers...  Soon your product will receive free advertising EVERYWHERE!
or i could have been on the very first forum whichever existed, someone decided to start postin LOADS  of adverts of sPa/\/\ in like every thread Erk so they just calld it sPa/\/\..?? u neva know....
sPa/\/\ is kinda delicious.
I meant the processed meat, not the annoying emails.
Agreed, Sp@|\/| is tasty, but only if cooked the right way ;)

But that sure is a tricky question....

ah-hah! I found the answer thanks to wikipedia. link

the term Sp@|\/| came from a monty python script, which is completely awesome, I never knew that!

Here's the video of the skit: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=...6211716271
YOU RUINED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh thanks :)
Quote:The term sPa/\/\ is derived from the Monty Python sPa/\/\ sketch, set in a cafe where nearly every item on the menu includes sPa/\/\ luncheon meat. As the server recites the sPa/\/\-filled menu, a chorus of Viking patrons drowns out all conversations with a song repeating "sPa/\/\, sPa/\/\, sPa/\/\, sPa/\/\... lovely sPa/\/\, wonderful sPa/\/\", hence "SPAMming" the dialogue. The excessive amount of sPa/\/\ mentioned in the sketch is a reference to British rationing during World War II. sPa/\/\ was one of the few foods that was widely available.

Also could mean...

Shit Posing As Mail

or in an additional flavor

Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages
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