Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Top EP # of Hits, by Country
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roberth Wrote: [ -> ]
Funnybutrandom Wrote: [ -> ]
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]
Ninja88 Wrote: [ -> ]where are all the indians??


Hihi why did that make me laugh so much

Was hoping you could answer that actually, as im unsure as well HohoHoho


meanie proper!!~~
300nukez Wrote: [ -> ]hmm maybe japs can't understand us...
wee should have an option on the home page in jap that translates all text English to jap so they can register
then maybe wee can have more visitors from there

How about this...

YOU translate every single bit of English text to Japanese, and I'll implement it.

You see the problem now?

And I guess everyone who wanted to vote would've voted by now, so I guess it'll be alright to tell you some real numbers from the internal logs....  If you get Alexa's number, and divide it by 3, that's about right.
no not the posts just buttons and instructions like in japan forums
once registered wee can attempt to communicate with them with the jap wee already know
hecaitomix Wrote: [ -> ]Visitors by Country for Endlessparadigm.com

Japan 36.4% « greatest lurkers XD
United States 21.5%
India 3.4%
Puerto Rico 3.2%
South Africa 3.2%
Philippines 2.9%
Singapore 2.8%
United Kingdom 2.8%
Germany 2.0%
Mexico 1.7%

Puerto Rico!?

Peurto Rico!?

Peurto Rico.

I'm surprised Australia isn't even on that list. Especially when you consider that the most feared staff members of EP come from there.
Compare that to the ratio of PSP n00bs that aren't in Australia.
If it wasn't for all of zinga's apps or v1/schmilk's themes would EP still be as well known?
Here's the list:
[Image: Jlesd.png]

I assume .net/.com/.org is the US, so it would be (ignoring unresolved):
1. US
2. Japan
3. Australia
4. Netherlands
5. Germany

Sorry England.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry England.

Yeah seriously double you tee eff UK. [lol @ Spain not being there]
Mickey Wrote: [ -> ]If it wasn't for all of zinga's apps or v1/schmilk's themes would EP still be as well known?

I believe EP exploded in popularity when zb first released the 3.10 topmenu rco.
I wasn't surprised how low the Philippines did.
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