Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Mass Effect 2 - Renegade Scenes (spoilers)
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Holy butt puppies :o  SPOILERS AHEAD!

I only watched the first 2 minutes, because by that point I got an unshakable urge to play through as a female renegade Shepard. Once I finish my Insanity run, of course. Some of the Renegade actions are just plain creepy...

Scary shiz...
The "you work too hard" part scared me when I played it o.0
and I finished on hardcore today... Yay

double you tee eff Numanuma guy Hahaha
IMO, femshep has slightly more opportunities to be renegade. Example: Showing up for the mission to eliminate Archangel, femshep has the option of pulling her gun on the recruiter when he gets cheeky. Maleshep does not.

Also, femshep looks a lot wierder.
Am working through Insanity mode now. Horizon was a total pain in the ass! Just have to finish the last half now. The Harbinger's taunts have gotten so ridiculously annoying from the constant looping that I am looking forward to that least of all in the next part XD

The Tali vs Legion scene...

I actually :o'ed

What is insanity mode...

Man I wish I went through doing Renegade spoon, don't have time for another playthrough D:
Digital-Archangel Wrote: [ -> ]What is insanity mode...

Man I wish I went through doing Renegade spoon, don't have time for another playthrough D:

It is the hardest difficulty, and it truly is pain. There are multiple FAQs written specifically on how to SURVIVE it. Even with the most "effective" class (infiltrator) for the mode, what with cloak, sniper rifles, and incinerate, it still feels like more of a chore than a game XD

I'll probably take a rest from it and try some more casual playthroughs, since I DEFINITELY want to do a renegade playthrough now ^^
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