Endless Paradigm

Full Version: List of stuff to spend 75USD on
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Simple... make a list of things you could spend 75 Us Dollars on.
There is an item in a video game and it requires you to spend 75 Us Dollars (REAL LIVE MONEY) to get it.

I want to make a list to post on their forum and then tell the to piss the fuck off

Items can be
troll tier (a.k.a. more retard spoon you could actually buy with 75 USD)
real tier
fake tier (make something more ridiculous you could buy)

and if the item exists I would love for you to name it, give its price, and a link to the item from an online shop
1. Video Game Item(s)
Donate it to me.
1.) Cheap Hooker...


I want a new cellphone for that price but i can't get one unless i sign for a contract :(

damn you at&t!
buy yourself a vibrator so in case you don't like the other suggestions you can go and fudge youck yourself.
1x $75 light switch! Madwin
Light Switch, Cheap Hooker, Assassinator, Vibrator and Downloadable Content would make for an interesting event.
Buy a PVC statue of your favorite anime character.
Some sort of computer upgrade.
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]Light Switch, Cheap Hooker, Assassinator, Vibrator and Downloadable Content would make for an interesting event.

you make it sound as if he's going to buy Assassinator as an item.
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