Endless Paradigm

Full Version: CFW for PSP2000v3/PSP3000
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Check the first post for a new recovery module!
Can u tell me the difference between 5.03 dt rec menu and gen ?
and the difference between 5.03 prometheus 0.2 vs : 0.4 ?
flofrucht Wrote: [ -> ]Can u tell me the difference between 5.03 dt rec menu and gen ?
and the difference between 5.03 prometheus 0.2 vs : 0.4 ?
Latest Prometheus cfw supports slim TA88 v2000 :)
It's from a Chinese website so i have to guess the rest.
I think he prefers the DT recovery and he added a key to update the fw when a new protection is found. It's still in dev. so it it's optimized every time.
Check the first post for an update and the changelog :)
It's updated (again) :)

Check the first post...
See first post Adore

CFW Prometheus 5.03 UPDATE by liquidzigong at 2010-09-04 20:06.

Support more new games
Support future encryption Games 6.30
Thank's for the update.
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