Endless Paradigm

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Do you believe in aliens ?

My brother and I had a lengthy discussion about this the other day.

Scientists say they have found proof that there was at least microscopic life on Mars.
But what I'm talking about is intelligent lifeforms.

He says that he believes there exist.
I say aliens are no more real than the tooth fairy...
What do you guys think?
imagine this for every star there is solar system therefore for every solar system there is another earth. i believe there is someone out there unexplored.
ive seen 4 ufo's. on 4 separate occasions no bullchocolate.
i even recorded one and I came out on the Channel 11 Fox News and Channel 13 KCOP news.

i can go into detail if you like.

and sorry that video is lost, i can't find it anymore. weird...
They're real :/

cause wee're real...


don't believe in alien, believe in me who believe in alien!
The universe is pretty big...I am sure wee're not the only intelligent life forms in it
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]don't believe in alien, believe in me who believe in alien!


Yerr... yeah.. aliens are real :P
I think they exist, but in a dimension wee cannot get to, so wee will never meet despite our best efforts.
The universe is massive but wee are apart from distances too far and great.
I believe wee are not alone.

The universe may in fact be infinite, there will be other life
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