Normally I don't't have any problem with the ads on EP but recently they've been annoying me a fair bit.
I have AdBlock installed at home but I leave it disabled so that I may make a small contribution towards the site. But recently there have been some ads advertising a product called Optrex that contain a video with sound that cannot be disabled.
Could you Zinga report these ads to your provider because they're highly annoying. I'd rather not have to re-enable AdBlock on EP.
I'm sure the ads still seem to be there for some people with adblock. (or do you mean clicking them = money)
I thought that for every certain number number of views Zinga would be paid a small amount. I've got no problem with this at all but there are some ads that will play sound as soon as they load whether or not I've clicked on them.
Had the same problems too with Firefox >.> nowadays I just use Opera
Hmm... I've been hearing the ads recently too. Sometimes the audio has nothing to do with the ads when I scroll down to look. One time I heard music (like something out of Murder-Mystery show) and people discussing a crime scene. Then I scroll down to look, and it was just an ad for some type of disinfective and the other one was for
double you tee eff? I think there's something wrong with my computer

I've had loads of problems and me and Zing have pmed each other about it. He told the ad company and then they changed them but they came back. I forgot to tell him again...
I'm going to remove them when I get home. I'll have to try and look for another provider.
Please feel free to use AdBlock if they annoy you - I already get more than enough income from them to run the server.
Sorry for all the issues.
Has been annoying to me as well. It always scares me at first, till I realize it is an ad. Thanks for the attentiveness, Zinga! <3
Okay, I've got two ad networks running here. I've removed the one that usually causes issues - hopefully this solves it.
Please reply back on whether the issue persists or not. Thanks!
This was actually happening on FilesTube as well, 2 exact same adverts with Audio enabled. I think they got loads of complaints because a couple of weeks later the Ads were still there but with audio on mute by default. Maybe the same can be done with your current provider Zinga.