Well now it's been 3 days making a 30 res wallpapers for putting it on a theme
1. Convertion problem
2. Now WALLPAPERS!!!!!
Nevermind those....
So can you make it 30 res wallpapers aka 01-12.bmp (with 30 hi-res wallpapers of coarse

) I'm really tired trying to edit these wallpapers and make them 30 hi-res wallpapers....It's been 3 days (this day will be the 4th

Pics below
(double you tee eff IS WRONG WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

uh... I'll take a look at it.
screw that lol I dunno how to do this either >.<
the max walls I got to work was 5 and they weren't even hi-res D:

Edit: Well I just read your edit......just try please??
Anybody would likely to help??

Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]I am bit busy to make 30 high res wallpapers and edit them in hexworkshop,. ;p
this is the best tutoriol there is,. and its also the way i make the 01-12.bmp,. its bit manual,. :
I did that about 10 times = can't get it work

be more specific>?>? exsplain your problem,..>?
hmm...I'll try my best cause I'm so noob at explaining problems
Some of the pictures are already at 32kb and 480x272, so I just leave it as it is cause it's already 32kb but if I make it as 400x227 it would make it smaller than 32kb, it will be 31kb
Another, some of them is finished doing resizing, etc....save then the hex part is different, each photo has a different hex at the end.
And.....I dunno, I explain more later or after 12hrs, I need some nice sleep