o spoon awesome check this out I found a new permenent fix gonna try this! let me check and see if i can find a gun
new xbox 360 is cheaper than a psp go!
That cracks me up!!
On my 4th myself. I had to get a refurbished one online because mine wasn't covered by the warranty anymore. Such a frickin joke. -.-
I don't have a 360 myself yet.
There's a few games I want for it such as Deathsmiles and DeathsmilesIIX (gothic lolita bullet hell shump) and a ferw other games.
Well, my 360's drive is broken, anytime I put a game in, it won't read it....
Lolololol I'm glad I don't own a 360 :)
Hardly use the xbox anymore. :[[[
Why do they call it the Xbox 360?
because when you see it, you turn 360* and give it a round house kick!