Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Request] Any Koreans in The House
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I really, really, really want to play this game, but Korean game registration is weird. You need a kssn or a korean social security to sign up and it has to be a legit one and everything otherwise this site won't accept it.

now I'm not begging for personal details or anything but I am begging if anyone here is korean, would they please make me an account on http://s4.pmang.com/

If you are willing to do it I will be forever thankful, I'll donate e-pigs, I'll do whatever just pm me and let me know you will do it and what you want in exchange and I will tell you the username and password to give the account.

Please people Blingeye
I'm desperate D:
I'd do it for you pal. But yeah, I'm also not korean.
S4? You're still playing that?
well the main problem lies in that you need an actual korean social security number
but if you can find one that hasn't been used before and make an account that would be awesome
what's the point for one map and lag
Lag is worse from BRs on the EU server
and I want all the latest updates, the unbroken cs range

I want to see the differences and I want the ability to play both legitimately
uh. same range / less power

It has less range
and less power
and all the new weapons
and all the bug fixes wee don't
Slushba132 Wrote: [ -> ]Lag is worse from BRs on the EU server
and I want all the latest updates, the unbroken cs range

I want to see the differences and I want the ability to play both legitimately

you can't play on the Korean servers "legitimately". You're not Korean.
lol. true enough sensei
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