Endless Paradigm

Full Version: YaY! ive reached 100!
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ive finally reached my goal

thanks to who all repped me!

ok this is how the epigs will be given out (when myplaza works again)

sick demented ---» 50,000 epigs
Anubis ----------» 20,000 epigs ------» unclaimed
bloodangel ------» 20,000 epigs ------» unclaimed
FBR -------------» 20,000 epigs
Ninja88 ---------» 20,000 epigs ------» unclaimed
???? ------------» 20,000 epigs ------» unclaimable
Metal_head965 --» 20,000 epigs ------» unclaimed
TheEvilOne ------» 20,000 epigs ------» unclaimed
Doug ------------» 20,000 epigs ------» unclaimed
Astaroth --------» 20,000 epigs ------» unclaimed
Keki -------------» 50,000 epigs

all unclaimed epigs will be given to hellgiver and -esti-
post here to claim

126 here i come
YayYayYayYay Hooray!!
Congratulations! ^^
but i want epigs :(

congrats, by the way
trademark91 Wrote: [ -> ]but i want epigs :(

congrats, by the way

if my plaza gets fixed and my sneakiness goes as planned
i will give you and whoever else begs me for epigs quite a few!
i promise
Consider this post me begging for E-pigs Whyowhy

And congrats on the 100th rep. Just 27 more and you'll surpass ZiNgA himself :D
No ^^ there for the hellgiver and esti fund XD
-EsTi- Wrote: [ -> ]No ^^ there for the hellgiver and esti fund XD

its okay esti

if all goes accordingly i shall have enough epigs for everyone
and then i will change my name to Bill Gates (from 2000) as to how many epigs i will have
Congrats you whore Hoho
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