Endless Paradigm

Full Version: MyPlaza where art thou?!
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Pages: 1 2
myplaza will you ever be fixed?
ive done some sneaky stuff as of lately and will all be for nothing if never fixed.

please almighty myplaza please give me and update or tell me it will never happen so i can crawl into a dark hole and die
I want to use my e piggy's too
What is this nooonsence, My plaza is where it usually is...for me anyway :P
Oh its there alright its just that it doesn't work ...
Razgriz375 Wrote: [ -> ]What is this nooonsence, My plaza is where it usually is...for me anyway :P

yeah but nothing works.

i want to sell what's in my inventory..
my e-piggies will never be in full bloom by summer time if wee don't get this fix'd nao!! >.<'
Sorry, I just have somewhat lost interest with MyPlaza at the moment >_>
I hope to eventually fix it up, but yeah........
das coo :3
;A; Apparenlty ma e-piggies are out of stock...even when depositing.....must have starved the piggies to death...shame
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