Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Vanquish E3 Trailer
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Source: YouTube

I do want, seems like the closest thing to Zone of the Enders on the PS3 for now!
Director is Shinji Mikami which is very promising, for anyone that doesn't know:

Wikipedia Wrote:Shinji Mikami (三上真司, Mikami Shinji, born August 11, 1965) is a Japanese video game designer best known for creating the Resident Evil  survival horror/science fiction series (known as Biohazard in Japan), and has also contributed in the creation of some of Capcom's most popular post-32-bit era  franchises, including Viewtiful Joe, Devil May Cry, Ace Attorney as an executive producer.

sky the tag is [youtube] not video
Fixed for Sky.
so it's gear of war + the megaman dash, with flashy weapons.

hmphh can't say I'm not impressed, but I'm not really convinced... yet.
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]Fixed for Sky.

Yay for Skyy. <(^-^)>
Sorry I was in a hurry that's why I messed up the tags >.< Anyway I can't wait for this game^^
Looks pretty average, imho.
Lets wait and see what comes^^
SkyDX Wrote: [ -> ]Lets wait and see what comes^^


But wondering - aren't trailers usually a better show-off than the game itself?

I sure hope another trailer's on the way..
Even so, there's still more then half a year for the team to work on it, scheduled release is Winter 2010.
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