Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Click My Links?
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Pages: 1 2
If they only count the number of page accesses, just put in img tags on a high traffic forum, eg


(or try to be sneaky and post it on a frequently accessed Wiki page (won't last long, but might get a few people))
Obviously image won't actually display, but it will cause everyone who views your sig to trigger a page request.

ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]If they only count the number of page accesses, just put in img tags on a high traffic forum, eg


(or try to be sneaky and post it on a frequently accessed Wiki page (won't last long, but might get a few people))
Obviously image won't actually display, but it will cause everyone who views your sig to trigger a page request.

Don't think its page requests how they count it, you need to be on the page for at least as long as it takes to show the button. If it was just page request you could just click n close and it'd count it. I've made a vb.net app that uses webrequests but it can only count 1 click per ip, and i only have 1 ip :/
It doesn't actually appear to be loading anything (apart from CSS/JS files)...
[Image: w6ns2.png]
...unless it's not loading for me cause I've done it through this IP before or something like that.
Not sure how it works :/
but click this one! http://adf.ly/3K9z
Mickey Wrote: [ -> ]You click my links I'll click your links :) (Alot easier with Snap Links Plus)

All clicked. Play the game here http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...?tid=27454
Pages: 1 2
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