Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2
Step 1: Type LOGIN
Step 2: any username should do, password is PORTAL.
Step 3: Type HELP.
all the commands are useless apart from logout, bye, logoff. < obvious returning.
and ls, cat, list, directory, catalog, dir < to reveal a file
type the filename without the .EXE
follow instructions.

the .exe is funny. though you have another option of typing THECAKEISALIE after you login.
during the exe, there's a few characters flashing. the number is the number of the page the letters were found.
1 - t
3 - h
6 - e
7 - c
8 - a
24 - k
30 - e
31 - i
36 - s
38 - a
39 - l
46 - i
48 - e

... lol it's a good time waster.
I can't really figure out much.
Seems a bit like u413.com
Companion cube I love you! ~~~\(^3^)/
Oh no, even our Kchan fell under the magic of GLaDOS Sadist
sorry man but


real fun nonetheless though

i still regret killing companion cube ;_;
never said it was new, just stumbled on it again today lol
@propa: companion cube never died. easily aquired through glitches and junk. xD
Lunar Wrote: [ -> ]@propa: companion cube never died. easily aquired through glitches and junk. xD

Pages: 1 2
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