Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Socks....
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Socks without shoes or shoes without socks?
I go with the latter....
Gold toe grey socks for me
[Image: B_GoldToe_ls1.jpg]
for going outside, i wear both. because shoes rubbing against your skin is not very healthy.

inside, socks but no shoes.
socks without shoes.... sure all day when im at home.
shoes without socks?!?!  HELL NO!! Ahh
PropellerBritish Wrote: [ -> ]for going outside, i wear both. because shoes rubbing against your skin is not very healthy.

inside, socks but no shoes.
shoes without socks - Redcard
Shoes with Black Gold Toe socks
Black Gold Toe socks for the win!
what's so special about gold toe socks?
SkyDX Wrote: [ -> ]
PropellerBritish Wrote: [ -> ]for going outside, i wear both. because shoes rubbing against your skin is not very healthy.

inside, socks but no shoes.
Pages: 1 2 3
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