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I have no idea what the problem is, probably my graphics card, but when trying to install 10.04 my screen quadruples into 4 side by side screens with lines running down the screen. It looks like a broken LCD. I'm about to try a different ISO but I have no idea why this release is doing it. Halp?
[Image: Doing_it_wrong_while_pwned.jpg]

try a new ISO, not much else you can do.

unless your motherboard has it's own Graphics and you take out your card and let it install on the integrated ones instead.
Well that made me giggle.

Yeah, I'm download the 64bit release now.
...You might get some answers over at UbuntuForums.
Are you tring to install on a ps3
No. Dotdotdot
stond Wrote: [ -> ]Are you tring to install on a ps3


...errr yeah try asking for help over @ UbuntuForums
I had a problem like you're describing with a friend's laptop. It turned out that bvasically the graphics card was incompatible. Have a look through the known issues to see if your card is listed in there.
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