Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Must... not... Fap!
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ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Currently, my opinion is this:
- I don't really mind as long as it is VERY clearly marked, to the point that someone very unfamiliar with English, or very stupid, won't stumble in there
- ...and as long as this is preferably kept to only one thread and doesn't influence other parts of the forum
- ...and I get no complaints

Hope that helps.

thread title
[NSFW]Breast, Chibusa, Senos, Seins, Seni, Bubelya, Bruste


i see and understand your concerns.

But despite that, not everyone necessarily knows the acronym "NSFW"...
Neither did I.

I Googled it just now Specky
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Lol.

But despite that, not everyone necessarily knows the acronym "NSFW"...

very true, i thought up until recently it had to do with need for speed :P

i was only trying to come up with a funny thread name Sadcorner
Never Slap Foreign Women?
Not Safe For Work
Wee're gonna see bewbs?!?!?!?!???????
Way Too High Wrote: [ -> ]Not Safe For Work

^I like it like this i don't think it should be abbreviated^
+ the first page must be bewb free and serve as a warning in multiple languages
+ is it possible to keep this thread at the bottom of the home page or hide it in a way so guests who come to the site won't be offended or think this is a hershey kisses site?
How about making it so that it's accessible only to members? I'm sure it's possible to keep webcrawlers out as well so that it doesn't get indexed by search engines.

Also I like the way this thread has turned into a semi-serious discussion from a pretty pointless (no offence) beginning.

Haha! Semi...
If wee really need one, make it so only members who proven themselves trustworthy can see it...
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