Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Goshi
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Pages: 1 2 3
Goshi Wrote: [ -> ]There's only one way to respond to this.

i is mad, i bash u:

[Image: retard.jpg]

No, you no bash me, me bash you.
Goshi Wrote: [ -> ]
twoPantsOneMan Wrote: [ -> ]Gochocolate. I like it.

Dear master of the EP,

Please fulfil my request to filter this one, Goshi's, name to Gochocolate.

The one man, with two pants.

That's it little man. You're going for vaction... to the seven hells of EP



My pants will save me!
I agree, wee should assassinate this goshi guy.
twoPantsOneMan Wrote: [ -> ]
Goshi Wrote: [ -> ]
twoPantsOneMan Wrote: [ -> ]Gochocolate. I like it.

Dear master of the EP,

Please fulfil my request to filter this one, Goshi's, name to Gochocolate.

The one man, with two pants.

That's it little man. You're going for vaction... to the seven hells of EP



My pants will save me!

He's going to blow your pants off Specky
But I have two pants!

I am impervious to all forms of damage!
He's right, wee can't do fudge. He's got two pairs of pants
DOes two pairs of pants make 4 individual pants?

Pages: 1 2 3
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