Hey,are on EP any germans registred ?
I|m a german
I know SkyDX and [ReeD] are.
vegetano1 is russian i think
is that close enough :3
I'm not really ger (whatever that means), but i am a man.
i smell pancakes and butter,
squee666 Wrote: [ -> ]vegetano1 is russian i think
is that close enough :3
Lol he is Dutch? Toch Vegetano1?
Im Dutch too.
fl0w Wrote: [ -> ]squee666 Wrote: [ -> ]vegetano1 is russian i think
is that close enough :3
Lol he is Dutch? Toch Vegetano1?
Im Dutch too.
i could be German
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not really ger (whatever that means), but i am a man.