Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Guide] How to Copy Dual Layer DVDs w/ CSS protection
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Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]Sif you want to permanently run shit in the background just to be able to rip DVDs, which DVD Decryptor get done easily with no effort.

2 paid programs vs 1 free program, go figure.

1 i never permanantly run it in background it have all that disabled unless i run it

2 who said i paid for it

besides i need them for other stuff

also shadys guide uses 3 programs and ones technically a trial
squee666 Wrote: [ -> ]also shadys guide uses 3 programs and ones technically a trial

That's because his guide also shrinks dual layer DVDs to single layer.  If you want to do that, you need to use DVD Shrink (or alternatively, DVD Rebuilder + Hc Encoder/Quenc) too, as neither Any DVD nor Clone DVD is going to re-encode your DVD for you.

If not, everything can be done with DVD Decryptor alone.  ISO Read » ISO Write.
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]ISO Read » ISO Write.


Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]
squee666 Wrote: [ -> ]also shadys guide uses 3 programs and ones technically a trial

That's because his guide also shrinks dual layer DVDs to single layer.  If you want to do that, you need to use DVD Shrink (or alternatively, DVD Rebuilder + Hc Encoder/Quenc) too, as neither Any DVD nor Clone DVD is going to re-encode your DVD for you.

If not, everything can be done with DVD Decryptor alone.  ISO Read » ISO Write.

word to your motha :P

thanks for pointing that out assassinator

@v1 sorry man i don't know how to do that, yet.  if i do figure it out ill let you know.
Way Too High Wrote: [ -> ]
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]
squee666 Wrote: [ -> ]also shadys guide uses 3 programs and ones technically a trial

That's because his guide also shrinks dual layer DVDs to single layer.  If you want to do that, you need to use DVD Shrink (or alternatively, DVD Rebuilder + Hc Encoder/Quenc) too, as neither Any DVD nor Clone DVD is going to re-encode your DVD for you.

If not, everything can be done with DVD Decryptor alone.  ISO Read » ISO Write.

word to your motha :P

thanks for pointing that out assassinator

@v1 sorry man i don't know how to do that, yet.  if i do figure it out ill let you know.

i am just gonne quote this,. because i still can't read your font Heyyou

i tried "anydvd" or foxit dunno anymore whots called,. but could't get it to work in windows,. :(
HAHA i tried closing imgburn like 4 times and this is what popped up.
[Image: lol-1.jpg]
i lold
Pages: 1 2
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