Endless Paradigm

Full Version: M33_620 PRX Plugin (BETA)
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Pages: 1 2
I had like to grap a demo in the store,. ;p great plugin!
yeahh torky has coded a nice plugin..
he's very aktive on pspking :)
like you veg :D
Quote:Running PSN PSX/Custom PSX Games with this plugin enabled causes the PSP to freeze and shut down.
Disable the plugin before running those games.
Wait PSX games use plugins from the POPS.txt.
Why they freeze if it is enabled ?
nickxab Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:Running PSN PSX/Custom PSX Games with this plugin enabled causes the PSP to freeze and shut down.
Disable the plugin before running those games.
Wait PSX games use plugins from the POPS.txt.
Why they freeze if it is enabled ?

LOL this is like the stargate plugin but better Drink
I literally just signed up to say thanks. this legtily works. I thought i never would have been able to play my MGS peace walker but this is a nice fix. Burning Madwin
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