making a new theme but i want to know how to enable the tv icon in all regions,. its the only way my top icons will work,.
i know how to set the region to japan in recovery>configuration,. but then you can only log-in to the japan Playstation store store or information board,.(by the way dunno if psn enabler also works for infoboard)
So is there anyway to edit a prx file to enable the Tv section in all regions>?

If I recall correctly, XMB Multi-Customizer allowed us to do that, as I've did that with the default theme on 5.00.
I'm not sure if it'll work with 5.50 PRXs since I haven't used both the app or full CFW in a while.

If that's true then he could edit a 5.00m33 prx using that tool & convert it with patpat's ctfTool, just make a dummy theme, update convert...might work?!
How about blood dragon (5.50)... It's haz that.
InfinitiProject Wrote: [ -> ]If I recall correctly, XMB Multi-Customizer allowed us to do that, as I've did that with the default theme on 5.00.
I'm not sure if it'll work with 5.50 PRXs since I haven't used both the app or full CFW in a while. 
i have edited a 500 vshmain
Gadget Wrote: [ -> ]If that's true then he could edit a 5.00m33 prx using that tool & convert it with patpat's ctfTool, just make a dummy theme, update convert...might work?!
i send the vshmain to Mr. Shizzy because my ctf tool aint working ;p
Aspheric Wrote: [ -> ]How about blood dragon (5.50)... It's haz that.
my last option :)
also thinking of making 2 version's US and Japan version,. with different topmenu icons,. hehe
ís possible to ise the fastms mod from 5.00m33-6 ? cause it is much faster than the fatms mod from 3.71
^ lol wut wrong thread.
anyways as I'm in here.... V1 did this work? using 5.00 prx and then converting it?
thanks in advance.. :P