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I've noticed a lack of meatstick/idiot male protagonists so far this season. What's going on?

Highschool of the Dead Ep1 was impressive.. but it seriously makes me wonder how they can pull off many episodes considering the plot.

In the second half they (MADHOUSE) made a great atomosphere to really get absorbed into - then the ep ended, lol.

So I thought it would be cool to download all the 1st episodes for this show at once.  Easier to search for and download all at once.

(No, I'm not going to watch them all.  Only to help decide what I may want to watch... err... and to see the OPs and EDs probably).

And the result...


Zinga's going to kick me for abusing the server...

EDIT: And 10 minutes later... it's all good :).  Time to clean up, cbf seeding, I only seed torrents that actually need seeding, and these have seed/peer rations of like 10:1 = no need.

EDIT2: Why is Commie doing like everything this season?
joshman99 Wrote: [ -> ](y)

mmm nice legs......

Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]EDIT: And 10 minutes later... it's all good :).  Time to clean up, cbf seeding, I only seed torrents that actually need seeding, and these have seed/peer rations of like 10:1 = no need.
I just keep sane memory limits on things.  In fact, I think I've given you fairly generous limits.
And you seem to love torrenting, for some odd reason, when all of these are easily available from DDL.  Much faster, you can queue them better, plus you don't needlessly waste bandwidth.
*talks like Lunar*  Sadist Uguuuuuuu~Plzno... won't you forgive me Zingy-kun?Blingeye You know I'm dedicated to you and you alone NosebleedFlatterdAdore    No, that's really scary...REALLY SCARY.

ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]I just keep sane memory limits on things.  In fact, I think I've given you fairly generous limits.

Lol, I generally don't load that many torrents at the same time.  This time was... special...

Also don't usually use such a high upload cap in case you're wondering, usually like 100.

ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]And you seem to love torrenting, for some odd reason, when all of these are easily available from DDL.  Much faster, you can queue them better, plus you don't needlessly waste bandwidth.

Actually, I don't know what methods you're using to find DDLs (probably a lot better than my methods), but torrent seems like 10x less effort than finding DDLs for me.  Queue them better?  Torrent is like downloading them all at the same time, which is like perfect queuing.

Select the Tokyotosho search in that Firefox bar on the right, type in a unique part of the name (eg. "dead" for Hightschool of the Dead), enter.  Receive huge list of torrents from all fansub groups.

While DDL is like... do the same as above, to find the best fansub group, THEN google for DDL, look through the list to find something that contains the DDL link, THEN go to the page, copy link, THEN load and try link so see if it's valid (not deleted), THEN copy into notepad and add premium prefix, THEN download.

Was going to use that tokyotosho mirror thing... but that seems down yesterday when I tried.
^ Filestube is the easiest way to find DDL Anime, for me anyway. Firefox search added it's just a matter of looking up the anime then selecting filetype (avi/mkv) then which host.

I do, however, agree with you with torrents being less effort. (When set up, anyway, being asked by computer-illiterate to explain to them word-by-word how to download torrents is a bad idea. In fact, I've always refused to tell anyone how to do it if they don't know already... I just blurt out random filehosts and tell them to look harder and that usually gets them to go.)
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]^ Filestube is the easiest way to find DDL Anime, for me anyway.

Hey, that's actually decent.

I think I'll cross my fingers for some new seasons of my favorite animu in fall. it just doesn't seem like there is anything interesting airing.

Guess I'll hop on the "High school of the dead" wagon for now.
I actually hope to see Nyan Koi 2 sometime soon :/
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]I actually hope to see Nyan Koi 2 sometime soon :/

As do I, even though it was a typical harem anime, It had the originality with the cats and the twins, although I think I ended up liking the cats more than the characters.
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