awesome! awesome! so your saying that this pen actually does nothing special and that it all about the training, right. well how long have you trained to do this ? I can't spin a pen even once it will fly in to someone head near me! or make someone blind! or just fall to the ground !
I never been a genius or anything and so I wouldn't expect anything from myself and i couldn't find any useful pen's in my house but then I saw a battery and I came up with this I just stuck 4 AAA batteries together and so this is both heavy and long do you think this would work for a starter!
hahhahaaa...i fyou use the batteries find some extra weight to put on each end. The whole trick with the 'balanced pen' is that its light in the middle and heavy on the ends to increase the momentums
manged to make something up! been spinning for hour's now this is the most fun thing i have ever done in my life yesterday I was so depressed and so bored and this was the only thing that could lighten me up and I've also noticed that's it's most fun if you try to learn it your self not learning from others thanks for making this thread
i said this on skype, but that combo came to me naturally before i even know about other people spinning pen. i only saw some random dood did charge when i was in 7th grade before, the rest is all me. then i saw some vid and was able to complete the combo.
i fails alot. 2-3 years ago, i break at least one pen per week.