im gona try that hot spoon,too.. ^^
Awesome theme V1
I like the icon transitions.
I was wondering if you can use a 5.50 OSK in 5.00 ?
I noticed the custom OSKs get lost in the downgrade when you use patpat's CTF Tool GUI
-some sysconfg_plugin.rco resources
-avls icon fixxed
-Ep icon patched,.
-infobars replaced
-bootsound replaced
Nice update!
Thanks for posting your sweeeeet work bro!
??ep icon patched??
Gadget Wrote: [ -> ]Nice update!
Thanks for posting your sweeeeet work bro!
??ep icon patched??
yeah well the glow icon did't fit in the image,. ;p and i tried to make the icon look more like an icon,. hehe,. <retouch>
Small update:
-Added Reboot button,. i noticed i really use this alot,. but disables cf update,.
-Added full animated music menu,. vizualizer menu/control panel animations
Making a new V1 theme but wanted to update sony mod with some feature's,.
Another great update, I am glad you added reboot, I use that lots too...
I was using vsh menu to reboot instead of xmb menu.
Thanks for the update again!
Still lovin this theme...