Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Google + Pacman = :D
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Google's new banner is an interactive pacman game. Was playing it earlier, with http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_f68Ho-0dQ in the background. Ah, nostalgia. :)
Lol, just noticed it too, it's awesome

Happy 30th birthday Pacman! Madwin
I remember playing Pacman nonstop at my old afterschool program, both on the tabletop cabinet, and on my Game Gear. Madwin
it still fudgeing playing after i leave google or close the page D: firefox bug Nanana

really fun though ^^
OMFG IT WON'T STOP!!!!!! Burning

OH NO I CHANGED MY HOMEPAGe turned firefox back on and it's still playing D: AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
turning of computer this is getting rediculous... i deleted all mah cookies and everything and firefox is still playing fudgeing pack man...
lol I've been playing it all day :P
I suck at this game. :<

hmmm complaints about it now... :/

problem solved...

But now I get sad panda when clicking my sig because I deleted my edited cookies Nanana got to do it all over again ;_;
Damn you hellgiver you beat me to this!!
I came online just to post this

anywho, I scored 21580.
Whatcha guys score?
hahaha, that is so awesome. I <3 Google.
Absolutely awesome. Brave but worth it!
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