Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [split] Rukia's Battle Royale
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Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]^ Vector?
is a vector the same thing as signature art???
if it is then I want to join the fun :D
Hai guys, if it's all possible; I'd join too...

 just that I'd suck though because I hate c4D/ filter spam with a passion now though...
Unbelievably massive battle FTWWWWWWW
someone answer my question if its the same i want to join!

edit -never mind i googled it...
edit edit- *actually read the hole thread i will use digital paint for my art im in!
Hey! I'm in too.
lol let me join the battle...
digital paint mean draw the whole thing from the start yes? lol
Yes, Or remaster an image by digital painting it at a large scale,
so... windows paint is ok?
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