Endless Paradigm

Full Version: EP's Unofficial Battle at the Hot Gates
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Notice: This battle has been canceled. Please check newer threads or request a battle here.


You can still participate - say you're going to participate and you will be added.

Entry Closing Date:  2nd of June

Type: Digipaint/Large Art/Vector

Theme: Mind-blowing

Submit entries to: Senseito7

From http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...526&page=1
That thread was getting weird so this thread is for serious discussions.
Added more details.
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]Added more details.

Also, submit your entries to Senseito7

Alrighty then, let's get it on! Madwin
dSketch Wrote: [ -> ]Also, submit your entries to Senseito7.

Gah, forgot about that, thanks dSketch.
Rukia Wrote:theme = mind blowing
Wow, sounds like an epic battle!
I say good luck to everyone!! Madwin
Moved all out of topic posts to the old thread. Please keep this thread on topic.
ffs stop forgetting me =_=
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]ffs stop forgetting me =_=


for that, you alredy have my vote propa....jk propa-kun. ;-;
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