04/06/2007, 09:06 AM
PSP homebrew developer JEMdev (also responsible for the Ted Kennedy's Revenge game) dropped by the QJ.Net Forums some time ago to announce the release of a new Lua-coded homebrew game titled Myspace: The Game!!!!. As its name implies, this game is a humorous simulation of the MySpace experience of eliminating those ever-annoying pop-up ads. There are two simple goals:
1:Log in
2:Try to stay logged in as long as possible
Players will have to close the constantly appearing ads onscreen, or they'll literally run out of "User's Patience" (your lifebar) and log out. That's all there is for the moment - download the file below if you fancy giving this homebrew a try. Kudos to JEMdev and Adiuvo for informing us of this release - make sure to visit the author's release thread here at QJ's PSP Development Forum for further discussions.