Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Queen bitch is back!
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I'm in love with you Rukia.
I have confessed my passion for you. Now let me read some of my poetry.
Wizard sleeve,
Wizard sleeve.
O' how you hang at an awkward angle,
You love to flop and drape and dangle,
You must warn them before they gargle,
As not to get them in a tangle,
And you must beware to not get fungal,
Otherwise you cannot mingle,
And you'll get no tingle in your jungle.
There. I have shown that my love cannot be clamped in irons or whisked behind the lowly steed of self ambiguationalsionieses!
Method Wrote: [ -> ]I'm in love with you Rukia.
I have confessed my passion for you. Now let me read some of my poetry.
Wizard sleeve,
Wizard sleeve.
O' how you hang at an awkward angle,
You love to flop and drape and dangle,
You must warn them before they gargle,
As not to get them in a tangle,
And you must beware to not get fungal,
Otherwise you cannot mingle,
And you'll get no tingle in your jungle.

im flattered,
and i feel so bad D= for this cyonix person,
Always nice to see the Queen Bitch return to her lair!
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]yes ._. i makes lame jokes sometimes.

go back to your animal hershey kisses Hihi
cynoix or tigerfan isn't in my book.....

Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]
Rukia Wrote: [ -> ]cynoix or tigerfan isn't in my book.....



that's sorta creepy
can't honestly say i remember that?

cyonoix did you have purple sigs and avatars?
Rukia Wrote: [ -> ]
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]
Rukia Wrote: [ -> ]cynoix or tigerfan isn't in my book.....



that's sorta creepy
can't honestly say i remember that?

cyonoix did you have purple sigs and avatars?
D= i was feared back then what the hell has happened :'(
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]yes ._. i makes lame jokes sometimes.

go back to your animal hershey kisses Hihi

that's mean. what did i ever do to you.
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]yes ._. i makes lame jokes sometimes.

They're not lame! you just need to elaborate more :D
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]yes ._. i makes lame jokes sometimes.

go back to your animal hershey kisses Hihi

that's mean. what did i ever do to you.

I could say "stop acting out of character~" but you're too adorable.

gomenasai, Hearty-kun (;-;)
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